All of our puppies are born and raised in our home! They are loved on and socialized from the minute they are born until the minute they go to their forever homes. We strive to breed our dogs as close to the AKC standards as possible and to better the breed. We are always working on improving our lines in any way we can to produce the best puppies we can! Our parents are health tested with beautiful conformation and sweet personalities. All of our puppies are born inside our home. We keep the mamas and their babies separate from the other dogs to give them their privacy as they care for their new little bundles of joy. For the first 3 weeks, the puppies are secluded in a whelping box with a heating pad. After this, they are moved to a secure pen where we introduce the litter box. Our litter boxes have alfalfa pellets in them so they will not hurt the puppy if they are chewed on. They also have their sleeping area and all the puppy toys. Around 4 weeks of age, we start our puppies on puppy mash, this is made with ground-up puppy food and milk replacer supplement. We offer this two times a day and then work up to 3 to 4 times a day. As the puppies begin to grow their teeth and get bigger, we switch to softened kibble. All of our puppies are dewormed at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. We take a trip to see our veterinarian around 6 to 7 weeks of age. At this appointment, our puppies receive their first shots, fecal test, deworming, and a health exam by our veterinarian. Our puppies are ready to go to their forever homes at 8 weeks of age. This time is so bittersweet for us, we hate to see these babies leave but love seeing how happy their new families are to meet them! Bringing these precious healthy puppies into the world is our passion!